Newsletter: November 2004 (Note: all external links open in a new window) Back to newsletter
Submission on Mt Victoria redevelopment
The Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club requests that the Wellington City Council, when they are redeveloping the Mt Victoria area, consider making provision for hang gliders and paragliders to launch from the hillside below the road on the north east face, as per the diagram below. An area of grass approximately 10 metres by 10 metres would be required on the slope below the road, with trees and shrubs below this area being controlled for height.
Club members have flown from this site in the past, but not on a frequent basis - the last recorded time was during the Festval of Wind in the mid 90's.
In the past part of the road has needed to be closed to facilitate launching. If the slope is grassed and tree height controlled road closure would not be necessary.
Landings occur on Oriental Bay beach.
Please note that Airport Control Tower permission is required by pilots to fly at this site as it is with controlled airspace.