To: Upper Hutt City Council
Andrew David Maloney
11 Koromiko Rd
021 664 251
Submission on Submission on Private Plan Change No.1 to the Upper Hutt City Council District Plan
The specific provisions of the proposed Private Plan Change that my submission relates to are as follows:
The proposal to create a new ‘Rural Comprehensive Lifestyle’ sub-zone in the District Plan.
My submission is that:
I oppose the proposed plan change on the grounds that it is contrary to the following objectives and policies of the Upper Hutt City Council's District Plan:
5.3.1 The maintenance and enhancement of the open spaces, natural
features and ecological systems which comprise the rural
character and amenity.
The proposed plan change is contrary to this objective of the UHCC District Plan.
5.3.2 The promotion of an environment within which soil, water and
land resources are managed sustainably.
The proposed plan change will result in numerous small allotments that will be contrary to this objective of the UHCC District Plan.
5.3.3 To maintain and enhance the amenity values of the rural area.
The proposed plan change will result in the diminuition of the amentity values of the rural area and will be contrary to this objective of the UHCC District Plan.
5.4.1 To manage the adverse environmental effects arising from the
scale, density, number and location of new building developments
and activities so that they do not significantly compromise rural
character and landscape values.
The proposed plan change is extremely contrary to this policy of the UHCC District Plan.
5.4.2 To ensure that subdivision, development and land use within the
Valley Floor and Hill Sub-zones minimise adverse effects on rural
character, areas of significant indigenous flora or fauna, and
amenity values.
The proposed plan change is extremely contrary to this policy of the UHCC District Plan and will result in significant adverse effects on rural character and amenity values.
5.4.3 To provide for rural lifestyle subdivision which maintains the
rural character and amenity values and avoids, remedies or
mitigates the effects of natural hazards.
The proposed plan change is extremely contrary to this policy of the UHCC District Plan and will result in significant adverse effects on rural character and amenity values.
5.4.4 To ensure that subdivision, development and land use within the
Rural Hill Sub-zone minimise adverse effects on significant
natural, ecological, scenic, visual, landscape, recreational and
cultural values.
The proposed plan change is extremely contrary to this policy of the UHCC District Plan and will result in significant adverse effects on scenic, visual, landscape and recreational values. Recreational opportunities such as hang gliding and paragliding with be very adversly affected.
5.4.9 To encourage new development of an urban nature to locate
within the urban areas of the City.
The proposed plan change is extremely contrary to this policy of the UHCC District Plan.
5.4.11 To limit the potential adverse effects of rural and non-rural
activities on each other and on rural amenity values.
The proposed plan change is contrary to this policy of the UHCC District Plan and will result in increased urban/rural conflicts.
The proposal is contrary to Section 6 of the Resource Management Act, which requires that in achieving the purpose of this Act, all persons exercising functions and powers under it, in relation to managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources, shall recognise and provide for the…(b) The protection of outstanding natural features and landscapes from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development: The Mangaroa Valley is an outstanding landscape.
The proposal is contrary to Section 7 of the Act, which requires all persons exercising functions and powers under it, in relation to managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources, shall have particular regard to … (c) The maintenance and enhancement of amenity values: “Amenity values” means those natural or physical qualities and characteristics of an area that contribute to people's appreciation of its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes.
I seek the following decision from the local authority: That the UHCC decline the proposed private plan change.
Andrew David Maloney
26 November 2004