To: Upper Hutt City Council Submission on Private Plan Change No.1 to the Upper Hutt City Council District Plan
Name of submitter:
Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Inc
PO Box 9824, Marion Square, Wellington
Agent acting for submitter: Kris Ericksen, President, WHGPC
Daytime Telephone: 021 116 4558
The specific provisions of the proposed Private Plan Change that the submission relates to are as follows:
The proposed ‘Rural Comprehensive Lifestyle’ sub-zone in the District Plan that will facilitate subdivision into 113 lots ranging in size between 1000m2 and 1.16ha.
The submission is that:
The Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club neither supports nor opposes the proposed plan change. The Club, however, wishes to draw a number of matters to the attention of the Upper Hutt City Council and requests a number of provisions to be made in any plan change.
Mt Climie, above the Mangaroa Valley, has been used as a launch site for hang gliders and paragliders for the past 25 years. The gliders then land on the valley floor. The site has been used for national hang gliding competitions on several occasions. Hang gliders require relatively large open spaces to land safely – a minimum area would be in the order of 200 by 50 metres in the general direction of the wind. High trees, which cause wind turbulence, need to be clear of landing areas. Landing in turbulent wind can cause gliders to crash, with serious or fatal injuries to the pilot. Overhead lines also need to be clear of landing areas. Cattle and sheep are relatively undisturbed by hang gliders and paragliders passing overhead or landing near them.
Lifestyle blocks in the existing rural zone of the Mangaroa Valley will result in a reduction in potential landing areas for hang gliders in particular, with large numbers of buildings, new trees and overhead power lines. Lifestyle blocks will also probably result in significantly increased numbers of horses, ponies, llamas, ostriches, emus and other animals that are “flighty” and which may injure themselves when a hang glider or paraglider passes overhead or lands nearby.
The following provisions are sought:
A drainage swale is proposed between blocks 42/49 and 30/31. This area may be suitable as a hang glider landing zone. It is requested that tall trees not be allowed to be planted in blocks 30, 31, 42 and 42 within 15 metres of a line perpendicular to the narrowest point of the drainage swale. The reason for this is that death or severe injury may result to pilots landing in turbulence. Overhead lines should also not be permitted in this area.
In emergency situations hang gliders are able to land on roads or road reserve. It is requested that the proposed road reserve adjacent to proposed blocks 98 to 103 be widened by 15 metres to accommodate emergency landings. Tall trees and power lines should not be permitted within 15 metres of the road. The reasons are those given above.
It is requested that LIMs (Land Information Memorandum) reports for ALL land in the Mangaroa Valley note that the area is regularly visited by hang glider and paraglider pilots, and that all properties may have hang gliders and paragliders either passing low overhead or landing on the property. (NB: aviation law allows unpowered aircraft to land anywhere in an emergency situation). The reason for this is so that potential property owners are aware of the possible risk that animals that they may own may be at risk of being frightened by gliders.
I seek the following decision from the local authority:
In the event that the proposed plan change is accepted the WHGPC requests that restrictions on tree planting and overhead lines in the areas specified above be required as part of any approvals given.
It is also requested that information about hang gliding and paragliding activity in the area be included in all LIMs reports.
I do wish to be heard in support of my submission.
I do not wish to make a joint case.
on behalf of the Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
Date: 26 November 2004