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Newsletter: May 2005  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

Next Meeting: Tuesday 7 June @ The Valley Club, 10 Daly St, Lower Hutt (MAP).

Minutes:  April meeting

The AGM is to be held in Christchurch this year. Dates are: September
3rd & 4th, 2005.  WHGPC is entitled to send two delegates. There is a
subsidy allocated by the association for travel costs. Delegates need
to be decided on ASAP and the association notified, so they can organise
tickets.  Any remits members wish to forward for the AGM have to be decided on, and completed before the end of June.  Also, nominations are being called for for all the positions on the Exec - Chief Exec, Secretary, exec Councillors (x 4).

Proposed remit to the Special Executive Meeting following the AGM on land owner liabilities.

Wairarapa Paragliding League
The NZHGPA Paragliding Competition Committee has called for bids for leagues this coming season.  Does the WHGPC want to submit a bid to host a league in the Wairarapa during Wellington Aniversary weekend (Sat 21  - Mon 23 Jan)? 

Paekakariki Viewpoint launch site
RailCorp has advised verbally that a licence to occupy, at a cost of $50 per annum, will be granted to the WHGPC provided written approval is obtained from Nga Uruora.  (Nga Uruora is an environmental group that also has a licence to occupy from RailCorp.  They are currently re-establishing native vegetation on the excarpment.)  Verbal advice has been recieved from Nga Uruora that a letter giving approval is on its way!  Here are photos of Paekakariki Hill and the airstrip taken from a glider.  (Thanks to Shaun Gilbert for the link!)

Makara Wind Farm proposal
Meridian Energy has announced a proposal to develop a wind farm between Makara and the South Coast on Terawhiti Station.  This project could potentially  provide access to two coastal sites that we currently can't get to (West coast south of Makara, and the south coast near Karori Rock).  Watch this space!

Latest tandem hang glider development?
Andrew Bridger sent this in from
www.worth1000.com - I wonder what
its flying characteristics would be like!

Safety notice for Parafly Automatic
from AustriAlpin
Earlier notice

New BOP free flyers web site
Hang Gliding and Paragliding Online
   Contest International XC competition
   site. More on HOLC
Down loading tracklogs
Blind adventurer
Weather sites
Place to fly in Venezuela (Thanks Kussy!)

Sink rate
Oz Report
HG blogs
Aerotow carts
Dolly dangers

Self rescue from trees (Thanks Harry!)
Paragliding forum
305 km by paraglider in the French flatlands - some amazing graphics
2nd international German Championship 2005: OBERSTDORF
Paraglider Magazine  - online version
Mad Mike Kung
Canungra Cup in October is filling fast!

Email Kris at whgpceditor@backup.net.nz with any news you may have!

Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)