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Newsletter: May 2005  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

Questionaire on TXT alerts: Please complete if you would like to receive TXT alerts when WHGPC members are thinking of going flying.  Alerts will be along the lines of: "Looks good for the Wairarapa today. Call Grant on 027 1234567 or Kris on 021 1234567 for more info".  (Note that each TXT sent will cost the club 20 cents per recipient)

I fly a:

My flying experience is:

My preferred flying sites to receive alerts about are:

If it is looking good for a couple of days I would like to receive alerts about trips to:

I can fly:

I check my emails:


Current status of TEXT ALERT registrations as at August 2006

Anytime fliers 
Adrian MacNee H, Andrew Bridger H, Barry Baxter P, Brett Skjellerup H, Colin Iles P, Craig Boswell H, Dean Shaw P, Dick Le Fort P, Guy Harding H, Ken Anderson P, Kim Potter P, Kris Ericksen P, Laurie Ross P, Peter Elliott P, Richard Williams H

Andy Maloney P, Chris Pugsley P

Not registered yet....
Colin Rhodes H, Craig Henderson H, Dave Moore, Gavin Griffith-Jones H, Grant Tatham H, Jeremy Miller, Lloyd Cole P, Mark Burgiss H, Moran Collard H, Nigel Thomas-Teague H, Shane Morton H, Terry O'Neill H, Tony McMurdo, Trev Leighton H

Weekend fliers
Matt Walder H, James Oakley H, Harry Emms P, Nigel Long P, Colin Iles P, Rob McComb B, Dave Moore, Daizo Inaoka, Fraser Bull H, Ian Bowie B, Mike Christiansen P, Teresa Kovacs P, Tom Dobrisek P, Mark Moloney H

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Less than 10 hours
10 to 50 hours
50 to 150 hours
More than 150 hours
Hang glider
All WHGPC sites
Inland Wairarapa sites
Coastal Wairarapa
Mt Climie
Paekakariki/Pukerua Bay
Mt Victoria
Heights Road
Weekends only
Paeroas (between Taupo & Rotorua)
Hawkes Bay
All the time
Only at work during the week
Most evenings
Only during the weekends