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Newsletter: May 2007  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

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Minutes:  1 April 2007
11 present

General business

Laurie Ross has checked out the Battle Hill area as a possible new site - definite potential. Laurie to look into gaining vehicle access for the club. (GW Belmont weather stations)

Kris reports alot of our sites are listed on the above website, presumably by transferring information over from the old Hangdog siteguide website. The concern is if travelling pilots were to access a local site and through their actions in some way jeopardise club access. Kris and Grant to look at "adopting' these flying sites on the website, and hopefully controlling the information that is posted.

Some pilots require WOF's. Harry Emms, our SO is currently in Christchurch. Laurie Ross to seek authorisation to carry out WOF checks in the interim. Also noted - funding was successful for a number of porosity meters recently. This will mean far easier access to a meter when PG WOF's are done.

Suggestion was made regarding the possibility of another weatherstation set up at Climie. Laurie R to look into options for this, and report back. Comment made that there is a site in place at Table Ridge, central Tararuas, set up by Harvest Electronics  -

Suggested that the information given over the recorded message be updated.

Kris has a DVD from the Air Games in Wanaka. No DVD player this meeting, so Kris to bring the DVD and player next meeting. Also DVD's from Grant Firth/Martin Cook of super 8 footage, early days of hang gliding, Wellington club. Next meeting.

Johannes made suggestion we get better set up with a website. Subcommittee to look into this.

Meeting closed 9.30pm.

Grant Tatham

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