Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
Meeting: Tuesday 7 April 2009, 7:30 pm @ The Valley Club, 10 Daly St, Lower Hutt (MAP).
Date: 7th April 2009
Location: Valley Club
Present: Andrew, Ian, Grant T, Kris, Grant F, Doug, Alex, Leo, Kane,
Apologies: Fraser(too bloody lazy), Terry
Meeting started: 8pm
Dalefield: Working bee went well. Currently logging, log across the road. They will let you through if you ask.
Weather station: More discussion around canceling the telecom phone line for the weather station.
Resolution: Club suspend the telecom phone account pending Kris talking with Ken.
Kris to follow up with Ken and then Terry to close the account. Resolution passed.
Lines at Paekak: below house there is a new line erected. Be careful.
Alex Charles: It is with great sadness that Alex passed away in a microlight accident recently. On behalf of the club, Grant has organized flowers to be sent to the funeral in Motueka.
National AGM: Coming up on 1 Aug.
Meeting closed: 8.43pm.