Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Home
Newsletter: April 2010
Minutes: 2 February 2010
Location: 11 Mawson St
Present: Andrew, Grant T, Grant F, Rob, Ken, Leo, Doug, Brian, Steve, Paul, Mike
Apologies: Kris Ericksen
Meeting started: 8pm
-Te-whiti TO/key. Have been clearing TO. Will move key to 11 Mawson st to keep track of it.
-club meeting location. Ken suggested alternating, at homes, perhaps a different night. A constant location helps for newcomers. Suggestions – Avalon fire station (ken to chase), Airtrainer core ().
-McAllister park/Mt Victoria. Consensus want to keep them. Andrew to let Kris know we want to try and keep them.
-key for peakak. Now has a lock with a key. At Ken’s house in Stokes Valley currently. Ken to approach John (owner across road from peakak gate) to see if can be hung on fence line or nearby.
-kourarau. Bottom landing paddock in crop. Bruce Patrick now new leasee.
-ocean beach. Looking to extend for multi-engine.
-Andrew to find out from kris where he got to re south coast red rocks site.
-Paekak weather station. Weather head damaged, can’t get new one. Have bits from 2 dead ones, probably can make a good one out of it, but need to spend $500 for the box. Some want it, some don’t. Heath to get in touch with ken.
Meeting closed: 9.06
Andrew Bridger