Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Home
Newsletter: March 2012
11 October 2011
Minutes: Andrew B
Present: Andrew B, Rob Baston, Kris E, Grant Firth, Heath Eccles, Grant Tatham, Brian Newman, Matthew Williams, Adrian Watts, Ken Anderson, Laurien, Adrian, Ian Miller, Peter Freakin.
Apologies: Alex Bridger, Chris C
-Previous Minutes: Accept Propose Kris,
-President report: Submission to allow HG/PG activities accepted for GWC parks, provided we have ranger approval. We have a key for Battle Hill. Baring Head included in Eastern Parks, ok there too.
Council to purchase Perkins property (Paekakariki), don’t know the time frame. They have agreed to set aside our old takeoff area for HG/PG.
-Paragliding safety officer report: Nothing to report.
-Hang Glider safety officer report: A HG pilot fatality at Paekak, in Feb 2011. Probably due to pilot
trying to top land. CAA and coroners report has not been published yet.
-Airspace report. Pakakariki airport increasing commercial flights, so we need to watch out for
airspace changes there.
-Secretary Report: Tabled accounts to 30 sep 2011. $389.39 surplus. Subscriptions are low by
$250, because 2nd instalment of subscriptions was paid to wrong account. Ben McAlpine has now transferred this into our kiwibank account, but will appear in next years accounts.
Motion to accept the accounts as presented. Seconded Ken, Proposed Kris.
Motion to donate about $100 for fire detectors to gift to need families, for our use of their facilities. Proposed Kris, seconded Matt.
Motion to donate $250 to Westpac. Increase to account for inflation.
-Election of officers.
HGSO – Grant Tatham
PGSO – Laurie
Airspace – Ian Miller
President/Newsletter Editor - Kris E
Secretary/Treasurer – Andrew B
Club Minutes: October 2011
Club meeting
Present: Same as AGM
Minutes: Andrew B.
Laurie to organise a trip to Battle Hill. Has to be dry conditions though. Ranger concerned with folk slipping off
the track, so be careful.
Baring head. Lots of submissions from club members. Grant F and Ian met with Sue from WRC. Road access the
main issue. Can’t see it being resolved in the short term, we just have to be patient.
Te Whiti Park. Had the digger up there. Thanks to Chris and all those who came along to help. Widened the
firebreak at the top. Takeoff from SW through to NW. Craig Cottrel is our council contact. Happy with the work
we’ve done. They keen on getting more use out of Te Whiti park.
Agree to re-imburse Chris up to $500 for truck tyre, and fuel.
Airborn funding cut. (southern + Auckland clubs).
December meeting. Will be 1st Tuesday in December.
Xmas gifts. As per last year. Thanks to Grant/Grant/Adrian/Kris.
Kris to setup google groups for a more reliable email distribution list.
RASP weather site.
Andrew Bridger