Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club                  Home

Learn to fly

Hang gliders
Do you have friends asking you about learning to hang glide?  Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions:

Where do I take the first step? 
In the Wellington area Grant Tatham (06 379 7322) is the only
 instructor and instructs weekends only. 
It will take six to a twelve, maybe more, days. To fast track go to Nelson
or Christchurch.  See: www.nzhgpa.org.nz/ under Schools.

How much am I looking at money wise to get an intro to it?  
Introductory 1st day - $110. [[Need to find out current amount - about 15 years out of date!]]

How much does it cost to go from absolute beginner to flying solo, just a ball park figure? 
You will be solo from the start! Anything from $400 to $800. Your own gear - something round $2000 for good secondhand airworthy glider, harness, helmet. Lots of other bits, but that'll get you flying. During instruction you will use club equipment.

Is there training done in Wellington? 
Wairarapa only, though for latter flights, will use Paekakariki and Mt Climie.

To learn to fly paragliders you need to go to Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Nelson, Christchurch or Central Otago - no one teaches flying here in Wellington....

Options can be found at: http://www.nzhgpa.org.nz/ under Schools.

All the instructors sell equipment, and if you buy gear from them they generally discount the lessons quite substantially! 

Initially you will be using the school's equipment to learn to fly - so you would not need to buy anything at the very start. To buy equipment you are looking at several thousand dollars... Probably best to buy a second hand wing initially. The instructors are the best people to advise on this though.

Our club has flying sites at Paekakariki, Mt Climie and over in the Wairarapa.
