Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
Weather links:
Forecasts for gliders - VERY useful!
"Private" weather stations around NZ - many give current
wind strength and direction info.
This site needs a log-in, but is open to members of the public.
Specific info, and needs some swotting up on jargon, but worthwhile.
Simple one-off log-in again, and info is in simple format.
(Not meaning to insinuate that farmers are simple - they
just need the basics - like now!)
This most are probably familiar with, links to all sorts of good stuff. Especially current wind readings. Take note of Kaukau. This site is at about 2000' in the Hutt area, so is a good indicator of predominant wind for Paekakariki or Mt Climie. Or anywhere else for that matter. Main thing is you dont get misled by lack of wind at the ground level sites early in the morning.
This one is particularly good, and somewhat accurate for forecasting a couple of days ahead. Also gives a pretty good overview of rain and wind in near future.
Tawa weather station - online weather stats
Very useful wind trends data!
Stokes Valley weather station
Surf forecasts - but wind info too!
Animation of weather patterns over any 31 days since 1999.
Gladstone (useful for Kourarau) (Thanks James for these links!)
Wellington Airport ATIS:
Marine Forecast for Cook Strait:
Wairarapa Lakes forecast:
FREE Wellington Forecast:
GAA Wellington Control Tower
Kauahei (HB HGPC Weather Station)
Kaimais (Waikato HGPC WS)
VHF weather forecasts
Weather forecasts and actual wind speeds are broadcast on marine VHF channel 23 which apparently is 161.750MHz. If you have a 2m radio you can listen to it. More info: http://www.gw.govt.nz/story13894.cfm
Degrees N 0 / 360 NNE 22.5 NE 45.0 ENE 67.5 E 90.0 ESE112.5 SE 135.0 SSE157.5 S 180.0 SSW202.5 SW 225.0 WSW 247.5
W 270.0 WNW 292.5
NW 315.0 NNW 337.5
m/s Km/hr Knots
2 7.2 3.9 3 10.8 5.8 4 14.4 7.8 5 18.0 9.7 6 21.611.7 7 25.213.6 8 28.815.6 9 32.417.5 1036.019.4 1139.621.4 1243.223.3 1346.825.3 1450.427.2 1554.029.2
radio on 126.9AM
0900 499 08
08 322 9069 (12 cents a minute)
04 494 3333 (code 1025)
or Free National Number 0800-626756 (ask for supervisor)
021 251 3687
021 257 0586