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Newsletter: July 2004  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

Next Meeting: Tuesday 3 August @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm

Never Ending Thermal - the DVD will be shown - not to be missed!

Further discussion on thermalling local sites!

Minutes: June meeting

Be aware that all sites that involve crossing property where stock is run will probably be affected by lambing/calving. Kourarau, Western Lake, Pukerua Bay top TO, Bull Hill, Bennetts Hill, Dalefield to name a few.  This usually runs from July to around Labour weekend.  Please don't let the desire to fly overcome good judgement and cause the loss of a site.

Take note please, that this launch is closed from the end of July to Labour weekend for lambing. This means absolutely no access to the cliff launch during this time. This restriction has only been in place the last couple of years, but the farm manager is now using the plateau for lambing.
However it doesn't mean no flying, so the other options - launching from elsewhere on the ridge, below the ridge from the top of the sandhill, or a drive round to the ridge just before the Muki Muki stream is possible. For more info on access to the Muki Muki TO, contact Grant Tatham.
Also, when you drive across the plateau don't follow the same wheel tracks please - on advice from the farm manager its better to spread the wear and tear on the pasture. 

On the beach road there are some pretty rough spots cause by the heavy rains. A new fence has been erected on the cliff top with a wide gate as discussed at teh last meeting.  Mike Christianson and Harry Emms tried it on Saturday 24th July and it's ok with plenty of space to get out for paragliders. They have cleared debris and bits of wire from the area but odd bits of wire may turn up for a while so keep an eye out.  Second Launch Area: Just passed the first gate there is a large slip impassable to all vehicles (except the General Lee) . So if you want to launch from there it's a 15 minute walk.

Based at Zolas, Hawkes Bay. Hopefully hill or aerotow launch from the strip at the base of the hill (dependant on availibility of tugs.)

The National Hang Gliding Championships are to be hosted by the Wellington Club this coming summer.
Provisional dates are - February 19th  to Sunday 27th 2005 inclusive.
The comp will be hill launch, though the option of doing a few aerotows during the event is on the cards.
The event is definitely open to all newer pilots, though officially to score you will need an intermediate rating. In fact, newer pilots are welcomed - join us and fly in an environment where you'll learn more in a week (given the weather to fly) than you otherwise would in a whole year. Don't be put off by the "comp" - you're still free to fly your own flight, and stay within your own abilities. 
Any queries, contact Grant Tatham or Trevor Leighton.

WHGPC bank balance.
Superbank: $3087.04 Of this, the $87.04 is interest accrued.
Westpac: $546.95
Current financial members - 43.

Grant Tatham

Thanks to the efforts of Kris Ericksen and the generosity of the New Zealand Community Trust we had a successful application for funds for a reserve chute and ladder hang loop for the club tandem Fun hang glider.  The glider has been and is perfectly airworthy but not used for the last year due to a lack of an available reserve, and although Trevor has offered the use of his own reserve, this wasn't entirely practical.  Incidently, the tandem reserve, a Charly Revolution 11 Duo PDA, is a fair bit bulkier and heavier then a solo one, and out of interest I have been flying the last couple of weekends at Western Lake with it in my harness (yes, it has been on). It does fit, though it tends to press back into my chest a bit, and my Woody Valley does have an especially large container on it. I suggest if you want to use the glider/reserve, that you try the reserve in your harness well before you get out on the hill. It may not fit easily. The other option is organise another harness that will accept the chute.
As far as how the glider is used, by whom and at what cost - this is something that will have to be decided, and put in writing in the same way the training glider rules of use have been. This is possibly even more important with this glider, because of the liability issues. If you have an opinion on how this should work, email me your ideas. I suspect we'll have to sort it out at one of the next meetings.
Grant Tatham

The Silent Airshow will be taking place Sunday September 19th at Ed Levin Park in Milpitas, California, with presentations by pilots flying hang gliders, paragliders, & sailplanes. There also will be sky divers, RC gliders presentations, tandem flights, and much more.

GPSs built into PDAs. Soon the GPS will be built into everything....

Flying in the Caucasus

What to do with your old reserve....

Topographic maps are available on-line on the NABIS site.

Fre flying humour...

Tracking on aerotow Check out the graphics in this PDF

Stall speeds

NZ Paragliding Competition Calendar

2004 KZN OPEN PARAGLIDING CHAMPS.  This category 2 comp runs from the 19 to 25 September 2004.  The venue is Dumbe Mountain, Paulpietersburg, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. 
A new edition of Wills Wing's "Paragliding -- A Pilot's Training Manual" has hit the shelves.

Bright Competition

Czech flying sites

Teresa & Kris did some ground handling at McAlistair Park in June - photos

Some hangies and paraglider pilots, including Grant Tatham, Mike Christianson & Harry Emms, braved the showers and flew at Ocean Beach on 24 July.

Colin and Kris flew for 45 minutes at Pukerua Bay on Sunday 25 July - photos

Nikki, Tom, Mike, Colin and Kris headed off to Ocean Beach on Sunday 1 August.  Sled rides were had by all except Tom, who drove the vehicle back down....  Photos

Email Kris at whgpceditor@backup.net.nz with any news you may have!

"Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)