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Newsletter: January 2005  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

Next Meeting: Tuesday 1 February @ The Valley Club, 10 Daly St, Lower Hutt (MAP).

Minutes:  December meeting

December meeting
The December meeting was held at the Bombay Cafe.  About 20 members and some partners turned up and had a great time - just a shame that the food took so long to arrive!

Hang gliding news
Grant Tatham has written an article on the "Hawkes Bay" Hang Gliding League in late January (Note the new "hang gliding" background of Andrew Bridger flying at Mt Climie).

At some unknown (to the editor) time and place there is a report of one written off glider, but no injuries, by a visiting pilot.  Apparently a video camera was strapped to the glider at the time, which would make for interesting home movies.  Will we get to see the movie?

Wairarapa Paragliding League
This will be held on Friday 4th, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of February.  The base for the competition will be Harry Emms' place just out of Featherston on the road to Martinborough.

Pilots are very welcome to stay or camp at Harry's place.  There is plenty of space inside, but bring your own airbed!  Alternatively there are five hectares you can camp on.  There will be a BYO food/drink barbeque on Friday and Saturday nights.  You can arrive on the Thursday night if you want.

Directions to Harry's place (06 308 6103) - drive to Featherston on State Highway 2, then take the road signposted to Martinborough (between the pub and motor garage).  Two and a half kilometres on the right is Harry's place.  Shortly before it is "Wildflower Cottage" and opposite is a large green Transit road sign.

Register onlline!  For more information contact Kris Ericksen on 04 938 6539 or 021 116 4558 

Reserves - Harry Emms, PGSO
There have been two incidents of reserves coming free of their containers, the first while ground handling being mainly an inconveinience the second being potentially dangerous as the reserve came out of it's container (but it did not deploy) whislt in flight.  Remember to check your pins as part of your preflight check.
During a recent equipment check eight out of nine pilots failed to locate their reserve handle without fumbling.  How would this have been in an emergency?  Can you successfully reach your reserve handle in flight?  Have you practiced grabbing from your reserve handle while in flight?
A second aspect of this is the closure of the reserve container, one was found to be so strong the pilot would not have had the strengh to make the deployment in flight. Remember velcro is designed to tear apart at right angles to it's surface, the futher from this the stronger the grip . Check the tear direction of your container.

Paekakariki Viewpoint fence reconstruction
KCDC has constructed a vandal proof metal pipe and chain fence at the Paekakariki Viewpoint.  The fence has been constructed so a gate can be installed at a future date (once permission from RailCorp is obtained to access their land!).

Nepal paragliding
A whole pile of people from Wellington have been in Nepal and India during October and November.  Colin Iles, Ken Anderson and Andy Maloney took part in the Himalayan Open in Bir during early November (see results), then went on a paratrek with Sunrise Paragliding in Pokhara, Nepal.  (Pokhara is famous for parahawking).  Chris Pugsley learnt to paraglide with Sunrise Paragliding and will soon be joining WHGPC!  Jugdeep Aggarwal, a former club member now living Silicon Valley, California was at Bir, and Fiona Dalziel, a kiwi pilot now living in England, was at Pokara. Here's Andy's article about paragliding in Nepal.

Learning to Hang Glide
Do you have friends (or strangers) asking you about learning to hang glide?  Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions:
Where do I take the first step? In Wellington area Grant Tatham (06 379 7322) is the only instructor and instructs weekends only. It will take six to a twelve, maybe more, days. To fast track go to Nelson or Christchurch.
How much am I looking at money wise to get am intro to it?  Introductory 1st day - $110.
How much does it cost to go from absolute beginner to flying solo, just a ball park figure? You will be solo from the start! Anything from $400 to $800. Your own gear - something round $2000 for good secondhand airworthy glider, harness, helmet. Lots of other bits, but that'll get you flying. During instruction you will use club equipment.
Is there training done in Wellington? Wairarapa only, though for latter flights, will use Paekakariki and Mt Climie.

Auckland Paragliding League
12-13th Feb.  Sites : Moirs, Pukemore, Te Hoe(W/SW/E/NE/NW/)Competition organiser - Daron Brinsdon Contact Details - 021 762 462 or (09) 525 8055 Cost $15.00 Items included in the cost - Maps, turnpoint list, $5.00 comp levy (BBQ at Daron's place on the Sat night. BYO food and drink)

Dalefield clearing
Thanks to everyone who took part - much appreciated from those of use who have inspected the vegetation there at close quarters!

Crash report
Kris Ericksen crash landed at Wanaka in mid-January giving himself two compression fractures of the lumbar vertebrae.  His accident report is on the NZHGPA forum - don't make the same mistakes!

Safety Notices
Turn a GameBoy into a Vario!
DHV parachute advisory - parachute should only be used up to 75% of max weight.
British Team Diary from the Worlds at Hay
Australian HG/PG weather site
Moon cycle based weather forecasting!
Bird Cam
Earth Sat - zoom into any part of the world!

Hang glider polars

Brazillian flying site
New international paragliding forum
Paragliding theory
Cloud suck
Paragliding article from Sports Etc magazine

Email Kris at whgpceditor@backup.net.nz with any news you may have!

"Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)