Newsletter: November 2005 (Note: all external links open in a new window)
Minutes of the AGM meeting on Tuesday 2 August2005.
Nicola Harvey
15 members present
A very informative presentation was made by Greame Mills, and Fiona Hill of Meridian Energy, and Dave Bamford, Of Tourism Resource Consultants.
The presentation described the proposed 70 odd turbines that are to be spread over the south western corner of the island, from Macara to the south coast. Of particular interest to us was the possibility of public access to several areas that may open up new sites.
Discussion regards the final logo as designed by Kara Marias. Consensus was that while it was good, it still needs a little tinkering before being suitable (some are difficult to please - like me. Sec.) Options are go with the design like it is, Kara to continue improvements, or play with it ourselves. No commitment, so its on hold for the time being. Anyone know of a graphic design person with a little free time?
Suggestion that launch area be sprayed on top of Kourarau. Two aims; one - to appease the farmers, and two - to make it more pleasant to set up and launch. Last year, the north launch was overgrown to the point of having to clear it just to get a reasonable launch run.
Motion - for the purchase of suitable spray round the value of $100
proposed Ian B, sec Barry B.
Kris has approached David Barton, the landowner immediately below the road at the airstrip. Initially he showed interest in allowing us to launch from there, but consequently has decided no go. So don't try to launch below the road. The area directly in front of the lookout is not owned by the same person, and our access to this area is still going ahead.
Kris has suggested using texts as a way of involving and alerting members of oppurtunities to fly. Concensus was to have a trial period to see how it goes. Kris to purchase a simcard, and set up the system
Proposed Kris sec Grant T
Brief discussion regards fees. Based on budget, and current expenditure, agreement was on leaving the fees as they are - $35.
Meeting closed 10pm
Grant Tatham