Newsletter: November 2005 (Note: all external links open in a new window)
Minutes of the AGM meeting on Tuesday 4 October 2005.
None, 15 members present.
Reports from President, Safety officers (related by Grant in the absence of Fraser Bull and Harry Emms), Sec/treasurer, Airspace Officer
Election of Officers (no change from last year)
President: Kris Ericksen nom - Grant, seconded - James
Secretary: Grant Tatham nom - Kris, sec - James
HG Safety Officer: Fraser Bull nom - Nigel, sec - Guy
PG Safety Officer: Harry Emms nom - Kris, sec - Dean
Airspace: Guy Harding
Editor: Kris Ericksen
Determination of the next years subscriptions.
Budgeting on similar figures as last year, the resolution was to hold the subs at the same amount - $35
Based on a failure to make the usual donation to Westpac Helicopters last year, the resolution is to double this years donation to $400.
proposed - Kris, sec James.
Peter Button Trophy (longest cross-country flight, Wellington area)
Guy Harding, Wairarapa flight off aerotow, from Papawai to Mount Bruce - 44 km
Rick Fogel Trophy (member that has best provided the ideals of the sport of hang gliding and paragliding.)
Kris Ericksen
Ice Eagle Trophy (most improved pilot)
Mike Christiansen
AGM closed 9.00pm
WHGPC General Meeting
Xmas Presents for land-owners
Notice that Xmas is coming up, and could those that did the good deed last year do so again please?
Donation to the Valley Club.
Suggestion made that a donation be made this year for the continuing hospitality of the venue for our meetings.
Resolution - That $100 be donated to the Valley Club for the continued use of facilities.
proposed - Kris, sec Guy. Carried.
Kapiti Coast sportsperson of the year.
Kris to explore the possibility of a nomination for the position mainly for promotional purposes.
The club has received permission to access the area dirrectly in front of the look-out pending a payment for "right of use" to Toll Railways of $112.50 per annum.
Resolution - that the first payment be made, and depending on suitability of the sight as a launch, consideration of continued payments when due.
Proposed - Kris, sec - Grant
Text Alerts
Discussion regards the success of the trial. Consensus is that the system is very useful for newer members, and we should continue for the medium term.
$85 spent so far, though a moderate percentage of that is remaining credit. Discussion regarding the possibility of user pays. ie in future asking for a donation to cover the ongoing costs from those that benefit.
Guy to contact Alex re delays in getting website back up. Options suggested that we may be able to use the "freefliers" site, or set up a community funded site of our own.
MaCalister Park.
Now an official flying site as per CAA and the Wellington City Council. However permission to use it must be sought from the tower each time, and no flights to be made higher than the launch hill!
Guy Harding is offering tandem rides in the aerotowing operation currently operating out of Papawai, Greytown. Contact Guy
Meeting closed 10.00pm.
Grant Tatham