Newsletter: March 2006 (Note: all external links open in a new window)
Minutes of the meeting on Tuesday 7 February 2006.
Grant Tatham, 12 members present.
Club web site
Kourarau site notice
Clarification of the area with deer in it was given - this is to the left of the road when heading east.
Vector magazine
Kris encouraged everyone to subscribe for free to this magazine - email and state that you are a member of the NZHGPA
CAA seminar
The CAA is running a seminar on pilot attitudes and accidents on Wednesday 15 March at the Wellington Aero Club at 7pm. All club members are strongly encouraged to attend.
Sportsperson of the year.
Kris advised that he had enquired to Sport Wellington about how to make nominations for sportsperson of the year. No reply had been recieved. A further email will be sent.
Kris reported on the on site meeting that Frazer, Guy and he had had with two KCDC representatives last year. They were not enthusiastic about putting a gate in the western fence because of the perceived risk of cars being driven through. they offered to put a pedestrian gate in the northern fence.
Hang gliders would only be able to access the proposed launch site with help from at least two assistants.
Paragliders are able to access the launch site with relative ease, but some considerable "gardening" will be required to make the site suitalbe so that lines will not catch.
It was considered that if we can demonstrate sufficient usage of the site with paragliders that maybe improved access for hang gliders would be provided.
A working bee to transplant small trees planted by Nga Uruora and clearing the site needs to be organised.
Accident reports
Frazer and Guy provided information about Adrian and Terry's recent crashes on the South Coast. kris gave details about his crash in Wanaka.
Wharekauhau heliport
Kris advised that he had seen information on the CAA web site regarding a heliport at Wharekauhau. It is presumed that this is to formalise the existing operation of flying guests in and out from the lodges. Debate was had as to whether or not the club should put in a nuetral submission noting that hang gliding and paragliding occurred on the coastal cliffs nearby.
Resolved that Guy would contact CAA to find out more about the heliport proposal. Grant to be contacted regarding who to speak to at Wharekauhau.
Meeting closed 9.00pm.
Kris Ericksen