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Newsletter: May 2006  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

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Minutes of the meeting on Tuesday 7 February 2006.

Apologies - none.
Members present - 14

Lloyd Cole informs us the solar panel used for recharging the weather station has gone missing, presumed stolen.
Motion - that authorisation be given for Lloyd to purchase a new solar panel up to the value of $300.
proposed Kris, sec Nigel.
Theres abit of work required to set the new panel up on the mast out of reach - working bee required?

Mangaroa Valley
Notification given that the subdivision as requested by Mr Gillies has been declined at this time. Kris to contact Mr Gillies re: future plans for the area. (At present, the main landing area is owned by the developer, Mr Gillies. We have authorisation from the leassee, the dairy farmer leasing the block to land there.)

Western Lake
Club members reminded that the new farm manager, Dave Walsh, is OK with present access arrangements but he does request that one person contact him if a group is flying the Western Lake site. Simply to let him know we are there, and presumably an oppurtunity for him to have some contact with us. Ph 06 307 7570 or 027 248 7430. If no-one answers, leave a message and proceed.
Wharakauhau Lodge has made an application for a Heliport/aerodrome to be established at the property. It has been conditionally accepted by CAA.
The proposed aerodrome is be located immediately to the north-east of the main lodge, with the main runway running north-south. The southern end is located immediately north of the main driveway into the lodge, approx 500m north (behind) of the ridge we fly.
One condition is that there be discussion between the lodge and the club re avoiding collision. Regarding the fact we're requested to avoid flying east from launch by the lodge anyway, this shouldn't really change anything regarding our operations there. Considering the fact that we rely on Wharekauhau Lodge for access there's not alot we can actually do about it!

Notification that this site has changed ownership - Donald McCrae now owns the launch property (including, I think, the north launch), the Clinton-Bakers at the bottom are leasing the property to a neighbour, yet to be confirmed etc. Grant to follow up, contact new owners.

Site owner information
Suggestion that an additional list be attached to the club list of  current site owners. Grant to do this asap.

Nominations required in the near future for Sport Wellington's Sportsperson of the Year.

Meeting closed - 8.50pm.

Grant Tatham

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