Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club     
Newsletter: November 2006     Home
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Motorimu Wind Farm proposal
The Manawatu HGPC has requested that as many members of the Wellington Club put in submissions supporting the Motorimu wind farm proposal.  The "Squires" launch site (off Scotts Road) is part of the proposed site and the developer is
keen to improve and secure access to this valuable launch site. 
It is proposed to build an all weather access track to the launch
area, and to provide real-time weather information.

Submissions are required to be sent to Palmerston North City Council
before 8 December 2006.

More information on the Motorimu resource consent application.

You can write your submission to the council using the standard form (Word doc). 
Send to: PNCC, Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North
Email: submission@pncc.govt.nz
Fax: 06 355 4115

Copy of submission must be sent to:
Motorimu Wind Farm Ltd, C/- Chapman Tripp, PO Box 993, Wellington  Attention: Nicky McIndoe
Email: consent@motorimuwind.co.nz
Fax: 04 472 7111

Statement from the Manawatu Club Minutes, June 2006.
Members of the Manawatu Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club support wind farming in the Manawatu.
We are happy that the talks we have enjoyed with the wind farm developer look set to preserve the historic access (permissions since the late 1970's) we have enjoyed from this very important gliding site.

Where possible the Club seeks solutions to any dangers or impediments
that turbines or their placement may pose to established gliding
activities.  However, the Club recognises that the developer is
restricted in their options for removal or relocating turbines within
the farm plan.   Further, the Club recognises that promises made by the
wind farm developer to improve access to the primary launch  will offer
our sport a desirable enhancement (a new all weather track).  This
improvement to access plus additional promises by the wind farm to give
our pilots access to live on site metrological information, is
recognised by the Club as offsetting the minor restrictive impact some
turbine placements pose to Club member's normal gliding activities.

The Club looks forward to a friendly and constructive relationship with
the Motorimu Wind Farm and seek mutually agreeable solutions to the
access and safety issues identified via a negotiated and agreed
Memorandum of Understanding.  

Important Points by the Manawatu HGPC:
  • Hang Gliding and Paragliding are mature and long established air adventure sports.
  • Since the 1970's, we have flown from and in proximity to the Tararua range at the proposed location for Motorimu Wind Farm.
  • We acknowledge the excellent consultation entered into with us by the developer for the Motorimu Wind Farm.
  • We thank the developer/proposer of Motorimu Wind Farm for listening to our concerns, recognising our historic use, taking an interest in our sports, supporting our continued access and for promising to enhance our access to launches and for offering us access to the wind farm's real-time meteorological information.
  • We acknowledge the benefits of wind farming to the region, New Zealand and the environment.
  • Hang glider and paraglider pilots both inside and outside this region support this wind farm initiative.

Ross Gray
Secretary, Manawatu HGPC

More information about the wind farm: www.motorimuwind.co.nz

Newsletter: November 2006