Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club              Home
Newsletter: November 2006  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

Next Meeting: Tuesday 5 December 2006, 7:30 pm @ the K.Sing Restaurant, 192 Jackson St, Petone, Lower Hutt (MAP). Bring along your partner.  If possible please advise Kris if you are coming so the restaurant can be advised of numbers.

Minutes:  October AGM meeting

Motorimu Wind Farm proposal
The Manawatu HGPC has requested that as many members of the
Wellington Club put in submissions supporting the Motorimu wind
farm proposal.  The "Squires" launch site is part of the proposal
site and the developer is keen to improve and secure access to this
valuable launch site.  It is proposed to build an all weather access
track to the launch area, and to provide real-time weather information

Submissions are required to be sent to Palmerston North City Council and the applicant
before 8 December 2006.

More information on the Motorimu wind farm and making a submission.

Baring Head articles
Grant Firth and Cooper Gyles have provided two excellent articles on flying at Baring Head in 1974 and 1977.

Thoughts for pilots who want to improve - by Guy Harding
Guy has written a VERY comprehensive article on how to improve your flying.  While directed at hang glider pilots there is lots of relevant information for paraglider pilots.

"Family friendly fly-in" based at the Tauherinikau Racecourse
It is proposed to have a "family friendly" weekend "fly-in" at the Tauherinikau Racecourse on the weekend of 17 - 18 March 2007, to which pilots can bring their families, and have a relaxed time flying during the day and socialising in the evening.  In the event of flying not being possible then there are plenty of other opportunities to have fun.  Cost per person per night is $15 with sleeping bags or $25per person per night if they make beds up.  Cooking facilities are available, or they can do catering.

Is this something that members would like to do?  We will discuss at the next club meeting.

Site Notices
Kourarau is subject to some new conditions.  See Site Notices

Jonny Durand Jnr wins the Canungra Classic
World free-flying sites - new web site
Skynch paragliding winch 
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment - report on wind farms
The Cloudspotters Guide - a book review
Explanation of GPS altitude accuracy 
Portugal excludes itself from PG Worlds...

Wanaka Paragliding Festival: 27 Dec - 7 January
Manilla XC Feb 2007
Bright 321 Feb 2007
Killarney PG Classic Feb 2007 (Queensland)

Weather stations
Gladstone (useful for Kourarau) 
Trentham (useful for Mt Climie)

Email Kris at whgpceditor@backup.net.nz with any news you may have!

Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)