Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Home
Newsletter: November 2006 (Note: all external links open in a new window)
Colin Iles, Andy Maloney
Minutes from previous AGM
President: Kris Ericksen Report tabled. Mention made regards three serious accidents in the past year. Changes to airspace around Mt Climie and our progress in retaining a reasonable area. Potential sites in future at Baring Head, and at Kinnoull - south of Makara, and east of Karori stream on the south coast.
Paragliding Safety Officer: Harry Emms. Absent.
Hang Gliding Safety Officer: Fraser Bull. Absent.
Secretary / Treasurer: Grant Tatham. Distributed copies of the Financial Summary for the year to 30 September 2006, and club budget.
Newsletter / Publications: Kris Ericksen. Tabled
Election of Officers
President: Kris Ericksen Nominated Laurie, sec Grant.
Secretary / Treasurer: Grant Tatham Nominated Kris
PGSO: Harry Emms (accepted for further year)
HGSO: Fraser Bull (accepted for further year)
Airspace Officer: Laurie Ross nom. Ken, sec Guy
Newsletter / Publications:Kris Ericksen (accepted for further year)
Financial Budget 2006 - 2007
Budget for the coming year. Balance should remain roughly at the same level with the same subs. unanimous vote to hold subs again at $35 for club.
WestPac Trust (Helicopter) Donation
Amount budgeted is $200.00.
Motion to donate the same amount this year Nom – Kris, sec - Terry
Vote: Unanimous
Peter Button Trophy
Longest Cross-Country over the year by local pilot, in club area.
Recipient Guy Harding. 38km Climie-Carterton
Rick Fogel Trophy
Member that has best provided the ideals of the sport of Hang Gliding & Paragliding
Recipient:Kris Ericksen
Ice Eagle Trophy
Most Improved Pilot
Recipient:Fraser Bull
AGM meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.
General Business
Ken to talk to a neighbour, Mr Williams in regard to the current state of our relations with the Perkins family.
Baring Head
Kris has put in a submission requesting access by paraglider and hang glider pilots in the East Harbour Regional Park.
Te Mata Peak
Concerns have been voiced regarding liability by individuals, clubs or the NZHGPA regarding use of launch ramps. Te Mata Peak is one considered most critical, and the local club has recently been made aware of this. To meet minimum standards of care, a structural engineering report must be done. Because there is only one active hang glider pilot in the HB club, and the fact that WHGPC members do use the site from time to time, consideration has been given to offering some support.
Motion –propose that the Wgtn club supports the Hawkes Bay club to cover costs of a suitable engineering report to the value of $100, also Kris to contact NI clubs regards similar support.
Proposed Kris, sec Ken. Unanimous.
Christmas Gifts to landowners
Reminder from Grant to organise gifts for landowners.
Grant – oystershell, Herricks training hill, Bull Hill, Whangamoana, Dalefield.
Bennetts Hill, Kourarau (2), Longbush training hill.
Lloyd/Kris – Paekak Mr & Mrs Perkins
Kris – Harry Memelink (Paekak airstrip property owner), Carrads (Pukerua Bay)
Ian Bowie – Climie landing owners (Brian Smith & dairy farmer)
Meeting closed 9.30pm.
Grant Tatham