Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club              Home
Newsletter: May 2007  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

Next Meeting: Tuesday 5 June 2007, 7:30 pm @ The Valley Club, 10 Daly St, Lower Hutt

Minutes:  3 April 2007

Martyn Cook will be present to lead a discussion on thermal flying,
covering such topics as:

- how do you know when a good thermal day is coming up?
- where are the best places to look for thermals?
- how do you enter and centre in thermals?
- what can you learn from how the glider is behaving as to what the thermal is doing?
- what's the best technique to catch a thermal straight after takeoff?
- what about cloud streets and convergences?
- how do thermals work among hills and mountains (as opposed to on flat land)?
- how does wind affect thermals?

Martyn would rather respond to your questions than make a presentation, but will talk about some of the above to get the discussion started.  Bring your questions!

Martyn is a former hang glider pilot from the late 1970's and has since logged over 1,300 hours in sailplanes, flying ridge, wave, thermals and convergences.  He has flown gliding contests in NZ, Australia and USA and was in the crew for one of Steve Fossett's recent world gliding record attempts in Argentina, racing along the lee wave of the Andes in an ASH-25 two-seat glider.  Martyn is a qualified gliding instructor, tow pilot and glider engineer.

Easter flying
A number of pilots went up to the Paeroas at Easter and had good flying.  There was also good flying to be had in the Wellington region.  Squires was flown of the Friday (photos), with Mt Climies happening on the Sunday (photos), and Pukerua Bay on the Monday (photos)!

Here is a useful document (Aviation Weather Services  PDF - 831kb) for interpreting the MetFlight forecasts!  Gives the definitions of all the acronyms...  The New Zealand Aeronautical Information Publication also has some useful information!  

Notice has been received that the NZHGPA AGM is to be held at the Wellington Aeroclub rooms, on the west side and adjacent to the airport.  Meeting date is 1st September, 2007.

The Wellington club is allocated two delegates to attend.  The club needs to elect delegates at the next meeting.  Of course, if any members that aren't delegates wish to attend, they're perfectly free to do so. (Chances are it'll be wet or windy or both anyway).  Nominations are required for positions on the executive committee, no later than 31st July.  If anyone can billet delegates that would be much appreciated.  There is also a meal out on the Saturday night.

Parachute repack
A day for the repack will be organised at the meeting.
The Manuwatu club has voiced an interest in joining us on a nominated
day for repacking chutes.
Are people are OK with inviting them?

Grant Tatham has a couple of DVD's that describe issues with reserves, and the repacking of reserves. He will bring these along on the clubnight. One is based on a seminar by Angelo Crapanzano, the man that makes Metomorphosi chutes. The other is a step by step guide on repacking by a German manufacturer (in German!), difficult to understand, but the actions are very clear.

Google Maps
Pukerau Bay

Battle Hill Farm Forest Management Plan
The club made a submission on the Battle Hill Farm Forest Management Plan seeking that PG and HG be permitted activities.

East Harbour Regional Park Management Plan
The club's submission on this plan was successful, with HG and PG being permitted!  See Scoop article.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHol4ICeDoo  Nature has a funny way of pulling the plug sometimes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff2LGtTQBd8  The Santa Cruz flatland hang glider race
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_snBMLwnWcM  A little something for the after dinner table
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CCAz_DbCRM  You were warned, now here’s the proof
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRUNktjazGY  If you’ve got kids, you need to watch this so you can feel proud. Dig deep and you even find three sequels

Email Kris at whgpceditor@backup.net.nz with any news you may have!

Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)