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Newsletter: July 2007  (Note: all external links open in a new window)

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Minutes:  5 June 2007
15 present

Notice has been received that the NZHGPA AGM. Meeting date is 1st September, 2007, at the Wellington Aero Club.

The Wellington club is allocated two delegates to attend.  Kris and Grant to attend.

General Business
Kris has recently obtained SPARC recognition for the NZHGPA.  As a result the Association's anti-doping policy needs to be updated, which requires revision of the Constitution.  Four remits to revise the constitution were proposed for circulation to the other clubs. 

Kris advised that he had presented a submission to the Regional Council on the Battle Hill Farm Management Plan, with a view to having PG and HG as permitted activities.  (Laurie Ross has attempted to fly at the site, but the wind direction was wrong!)
Reserve Parachute Repack
This time again. Grant to organise venue. Request by Manawatu club to join us on the day. Day to be advised.

Training Glider
Request made by Grant for sourcing of possible funding for a new training glider to replace and supplement the Ventura glider currently used.

Resolution: that the Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club make an application to Pub Charity for funding for a training glider. Proposed - Terry O'Neill, seconded Ian Bowie. Unanimous.

Martyn Cook
The meeting was concluded with a very informative talk by Martyn on the principles of thermal flying.  [Editor - now we just need some thermals to practice in!]

Meeting closed 10.00pm.

Grant Tatham

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