Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Newsletter: July 2007 (Note: all external links open in a new window) Home
Next Meeting: Tuesday 7 August 2007, 7:30 pm @ The Valley Club, 10 Daly St, Lower Hutt (MAP).
The NZHGPA AGM is to be held at the Wellington Aeroclub rooms, on
the west side and adjacent to the airport. Meeting date is
1st September, 2007.
The Wellington club is allocated two delegates to attend - and Kris and Grant are the lucky guys! Of course, if any members that aren't delegates wish to attend, they're perfectly free to do so. (Chances are it'll be wet or windy or both anyway). If anyone can billet delegates that would be much appreciated. There is also a meal out on the Saturday night.
New Pilot!
Welcome to Sophie Mormede (see photo), who has moved to Wellington, having recently got her PG2 from Alan Hills in Auckland. She has just been back to France (where she is originally from) and she took her wing, but it didn't get as much a workout as she would have hoped. "Unstable weather and southerly winds (no good there) meant I could only take to the sky twice, one of which was a straight down exercise. A couple other times the conditions weren't right and resisted the temptation, only to see other pilots in quite some strife to get down. Anyway I still managed a fabulous flight: my first time there unsupervised, without anybody on take-off or in the sky! Magic. And I managed to find
enough thermals to keep me up for at least an hour (I was hungry and had to go down) and take photos. The landing is all the paddocks next to the lake. Let's hope that I find a way to get more holidays by next year and late enough to have settled weather. By the way that village under me is
Loudenvielle, the arrival of the Tour de France on 23 July..."
If you are going out flying give Sophie a call: 021778 164
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Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)