NZHGPA AGM REMIT. Motion: That the Secretary's honorarium be increased to at least 50% of the CEO Honorarium to equate with the positions level of responsibility and workload.
Remit voted on – carried unanimously
PAEKAKARIKI The windsock is now back in place – thanks Guy.
The weather station is currently down – flat battery. Will be attended to in due course. Lloyd informed us that while the current battery/solarpanel setup is adequate, a better panel would be nice to keep up with demand. I suggest that while the current system is in place to refrain from phoning the station unless you do actually need the information. [NB - it is now fully functional as at 29 Sept]
WESTERN LAKE The gates may now be in place, Craig and Grant to assist with installing a drop-in center post, and burying an electric fence cable. After flying there late July, Harry reports that a forward launch with his PG through the gateway is no problem, and I launched last from there the same day, and was able to walk the glider through, then sideways to the right, staying back out of the main airflow. I parked the glider successfully in front of the fence, went back to shut the “gate” – the temporary electric fence – and then harnessed up and launched.
Kris has been in contact with the Hutt Council re landing areas in the valley. Specifically the tree covered ridge to the east of Flux Rd. This area is not to be cleared for another 8-10 years. Kris to keep in touch with this, and leave options open for the clubs access to an area here.
WHGPC SAFETY OFFICER Collin Iles tendered his resignation. He is off across the ditch for an extended period of time.
After calling for an interim PG safety officer Harry Emms offered his services. Good on yer, Harry!
Officially, Nominated by Kris Ericksen, seconded by Laurie Ross.
HG & PG WOF’S That time again, Grant to contact Fraser Bull, HG safety officer to arrange suitable day. (this has been done – Oct 2nd, reserve day 9th.)
PG pilots to advise time and place.
RESERVE REPACK. Time to think about this also, bearing in mind they should be repacked up to 4 times a year. This is your own responsibility – if you feel competent enough to do your own or either to organise a certified repacker to complete the job, or come along to a repack day, where several members of the club that have some experience with repacking can help.
The day and place will be advised, probably October sometime.
PG VIDEO Very good PG video was screened – scenery and flying from round the world – real nice stuff. Incidentally, the club does hold some videos – these will be listed on the website and in the newsletter in due course.
Meeting closed 10.15pm
Grant Tatham