Newsletter: September 2004 (Note: all external links open in a new window)
Next Meeting: Tuesday 5 October @ Valley Club, Lower Hutt, from 7:30pm
Can people think about:
- what has been the best cross country flight in the Wellington area (getting blown up Molesworth St in the August storms doesn't count!)
- nominate who has "best provided the ideals of the sport"
- nominate who you think is the "most improved pilot" in the past year
Be aware that all sites that involve crossing property where stock is run will probably be affected by lambing/calving. Kourarau, Western Lake, Pukerua Bay top TO, Bull Hill, Bennetts Hill, Dalefield to name a few. This usually runs from July to around Labour weekend. Please don't let the desire to fly overcome good judgement and cause the loss of a site.
There is a proposal to subdivide the farm that runs along the top of the Pukerua-Paekakariki escarpment. The club has put in a submission on this proposal. An environmental group, Classic Landscapes, has also been formed to oppose this proposed development.
Classic Landscapes approached the Club in August with the idea of having a "protest flight" to draw media attention to the issue. The idea was circulated to all club members and no concerns were raised.
On Sunday 26 October conditions were perfect and five pilots took to the air. A photo and press release then appeared in the Dominion Post on Monday 27 September.
The owners of the farm on which the take-off above the look-out point is located, have taken considerable offence at this action. They object to people telling their neighbours what they can or can not do with their land. As a consequence they have decided to ban all paraglider and hang glider pilots from their property (as is their right) for the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately for us the accessway to Harry Memelink's airstrip next door also crosses this property. While Harry Memelink has no objections to us flying on his property we are not able to legally access this area. The owners have advised that any pilot found on their property will have a trepass notice served on them. Can you please respect their decision - any adverse actions will only delay any future reconsideration of their decision.
There is an alternative launch site for both hang gliders and paragliders immediately in front of the look-out point. It is, however, very steep, so will require good launch skills to use.
I would like to apologise to all club members for this turn of events. If I had thought through the possible consequences of the protest flight we would have avoided this consequence.
Kris Ericksen
MT CLIMIE, Sunday 26 September
The day started with Andre Bridger 'testing the waters'. For some
reason he found the thermals and stayed up for an hour or so. The
next three pilots off the cliff, James Oakley, Kathryn Dutton and
myself (all beginners training under Grant) found no such lift and had
15 minute drop flights to the landing paddock below. A few others
followed and then the launches stopped and we were left wondering
what was happening. Apparently the wind died completely and they
were just waiting. Finally the last three pilots launched and played
in the thermals for an hour or so before coming down in various
locations. The weather was fantastic, if a bit light on the wind.
Nothing broken and everyone happy. Here are some more photos.
Nigel Thomas-Teague
Second report on Mt Climie
With a marginal forecast of increasing norwesters, but light
morning winds a group of hopefuls headed to Climie. Teresa,
Ian, Mike, Kane, Kathryn, Nigel, Andrew, Shane, James and Grant. The weather smiled on us for a change, and stayed light all day, just a light southerly in the valley, just enough to make the landing easier.
With cloud forming along the ridge, Andrew was first to launch. Actually, he wasn't given much choice, I suggested he may like to go wind dummy ah that is wind techician (sorry Andrew) though I think he was more then keen to get off the ground. He soon persuaded the rest of us to get off the hill - boating round out in front, and climbing out from time to time. He drew several comments from onlookers on his flying style - very smooth, even speed, low bank turns when necessary. Nice to watch.
First time off this hill for the bulk of the pilots, and first time a taste of thermal conditions. On instruction they all did well - did what they were told (makes me alot more relaxed!) and completed their flights out into the valley, and all landind well. Nigel on the Ventura managed to read the "windtoiletpaper" incorrectly, and chose the wrong end of the paddock to approach from, then somehow realised his error and landed into wind in the next paddock! Obviously made an initial error, but somehow realised and corrected things. I remember my first landing at Paekak - the wrong way down the beach - didn't occur to me I'd made a mistake until I was doing "100mph" 2 ft above the beach!
Shane flew really well, getting up from low on the front spine, his first real thermal flight. And then (first thermal flight) going cross country with Ian Bowie up the Kaitoke Valley. Came back with a very wide grin.
My experience was nice, climbing up the side of some friendly cumulous from cloudbase at about 3500,' to 4500' and gliding out into beautiful smooth air across the valley to Akatarawa and back.
Hopefully, Climie will allow us some similar days this summer, the last few seaons were pitiful.
Grant Tatham
Based at Zolas, Hawkes Bay. Hopefully hill or aerotow launch from the strip at the base of the hill (dependant on availibility of tugs.)
The National Hang Gliding Championships are to be hosted by the Wellington Club this coming summer.
Provisional dates are - February 19th to Sunday 27th 2005 inclusive.
The comp will be hill launch, though the option of doing a few aerotows during the event is on the cards.
The event is definitely open to all newer pilots, though officially to score you will need an intermediate rating. In fact, newer pilots are welcomed - join us and fly in an environment where you'll learn more in a week (given the weather to fly) than you otherwise would in a whole year. Don't be put off by the "comp" - you're still free to fly your own flight, and stay within your own abilities.
Any queries, contact Grant Tatham or Trevor Leighton.
Dean Shaw has set up an account on his site for the club to use. Account name is "wind" and password is the same as for the Paekakariki weather station! This allows people to add photos to YadaMe's Photos --> Paragliding --> Wellington HGPG Club Photos or direct link is:
To login click on the LogIn link top right hand corner and enter above details. If adding a set of photos use dropdown box with "Admin Options" and select "new nested album". Then using same box select "Properties" and fill in any details you want for the album, and click apply at the bottom of page. To add photos use drop down box and choose "Add Photos". On add Photos Page choose the Form tab and should be self explanatory from there. More detailed instructions
Dean Shaw
Blade test - Wills Wing training video
Corrado promo vidoe
Corrado Challenger promo video
Thermik - HG & PG promo video
1994 HG Nationals - Queenstown
Starting Hang Gliding
Turning Point - thermalling
Weather to fly
The Leading Edge - HG aerobatics
1998 Nelson HG Nationals
Flight Design Reserve repack instructions - PDA type
Never Ending Thermal (DVD)
Contact Grant Tatham to obtain a copy
Caig Henderson has organised the Greytown Workingmens Club venue again this year for the repack. (thanks Craig) Sunday 12th October, 9.00am sharp. Small fee for the use of the premises.
Bring your harness, any information on the chute you have and of course the chute assembly. Its not a bad idea to air the chute for a number of hours prior to repack, but if you're short of information, or just not familiar with the chute, you may want to just leave it in the harness and bring it along on the day.
I'll have a selection of rubber bands with me.
The club owns a copy of Flight Designs video instructions - how to repack a PDA (pulled down apex) reserve. If you want to borrow this prior to the day, contact me, I'll send it on. Its describes some very good methods for repacking tidily.
Be aware that I nor , I think, any other members of the club are certified to repack chutes of any sort. Speaking for myself, my experience is self taught (including deployment!).
If you are not competent in repacking, and are reluctant to trust your life to one of us (in effect, thats what you're doing) please contact one of the local skydiving clubs and request a certified repack. I recommend that you become familiar with your own equipment and proficient at repacking your own chute.
Interestingly, my chute, especially when in the old harness I used to use, was to a degree faulty in almost every way according to this article. I found it on the Oz Report prior to my deployment, and had repacked the chute and modified the deployment bag according to the article only a couple of months before I had to use it, after proceeding to destroy my glider.
Grant Tatham
Monday 27th Dec –9th Jan
It has been a dream of mine to spend some time in this amazing area and try and make the crossing to Hamner Springs. I have attempted this crossing on a couple of occasions and flying over these magnificent mountains it was just a matter of time before I committed some time to it. After the last few summers we have had I won’t be holding my breath but plan to put a big effort in this crossing.
Based in St Arnaud with plans to fly as far you can. The Wairau valley the Lewis pass Via Springs Junction or even back towards Nelson it’s your call. Come for one day or stay for the whole time no pressure.
This is not a comp it is just a few pilots getting together to attempt to fly as far as they can and enjoy some stress free cross country flying. No goals no turn points just turn up and tow, then fly in any direction that takes your fancy.
This is very mountainous country and deserves plenty of respect Big Thermals with strong sea breezes, so don’t come unprepared because no one will come looking for you unless you have made your own arrangements. There is so much to do in this region that if the weather is to ruff for flying there is endless other activities to do.
Tow Training is available to anyone that needs it, by prior arrangement preferably before the trip but early morning training could be arranged. We will be bringing our Tandem with us so introductory flights for students or any one that would like a trial flight to experience aerotow hanggliding for themselves.
We are organising a couple of training days early in spring, if anyone would like to up skill themselves. You would be more than welcome to come along and join in on these days. This will be held in the Wairarapa, any South Island pilots that would like to attend can make arrangements with us to be picked up off the Ferry.
Aero towing
If you haven’t experienced the frill of aero towing then don’t miss this opportunity to fly in the most amazing country this NZ has to offer. It puts a whole new perspective on your flying. Set up in a flat paddock no overheating your four wheel drive up dusty mountain tracks then having to come back after a long hard fly to drive or even worse climb up the hill to retrieve it.
If you are interested in coming along or have any questions about the trip or aero towing you can contact Trev Leighton on 06 3088464 or Guy Harding on 04 3854437.
Trev Leighton
"Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)