Te Mata Peak Flyathlon
Sunday 24th October 2004 (Labour wkd) at 8am
What and why:
The Flyathlon is designed as a participatory event for supporters and members of the NZHGPA. Labour wkd is traditionally the start of the flying season and the idea is to have a bit of fun to kick off the season. It is designed as a team event with three legs:
- The first leg is a mountain bike race from the summit of Te Mata Peak to the landing paddock
- The second leg is a run back to the summit
- The third leg is a flight that will test the accuracy skills of the pilot.
The event should be finished by 11am so "serious" flying won’t be compromised.
Only the flying leg requires the participant to be a member of the NZHGPA. The participants of the other two legs are encouraged to be drivers, significant others or ring ins - basically anyone that provides (or could potentially provide) the support that we all rely on. This is a chance to involve the support network in our sport. The event can be also be entered by one person if desired as a solo effort.
The total points will be 100 for the event and will be split as follows:
First runner returning to the top of the peak will score 50 points. Each runner after that will lose a point per minute.
The flying will be split into two categories – PG & HG. All pilots must launch within 2 hours of the first runners arrival time. Only the first flight per team will be scored but multiple flights are to be encouraged.
Paraglider: Grab a balloon from the top of middle hill and land with balloon in hand in the landing paddock scores 30 points.
Land on the designated landing spot to score 20 points. For each whole metre away from the spot the score decreases by 1 point
Hang glider / Rigid wing: Fly any part of the glider through a gate marked clearly on the ridgeline of middle hill by two bamboo poles to score 20 points.
Land on the designated landing spot to score 30 points. For every whole metre away from the spot the score decreases by 1 point.
If the weather does not allow flights to happen then a water ballon throw off will be held in the landing paddock.
Every team will have three throws from 20 metres – the closest of the three throws will score. Hit the designated landing spot to score 20 points. For each whole metre away from the spot the score decreases by 1 point.