Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Home
Newsletter: September 2006 (Note: all external links open in a new window)
Minutes of the meeting on Tuesday 8 August 2006.
Apologies - none.
Members present - 16
General Business
National association remits
Remits as follows were discussed and voted on.
1. Honararium for Chief Exec to be increased. Support unanimous
2. Rotorua removal. Support carried
3. Wording re affiliate/visitor support. Unan.
4. Addition to constitution student and pilot members. Support carried
5. Change of status. Support unan
6. Removal of word "deemed". Support unan
7. Roll of delegates. Support unan
8. Change heading to delegate. Support unan
9. Minutekeeping. Support unan
10. Duties of exec - inform ing delegates. Support unan
11. Safety/disciplinary committee. Support unan - subject to agreement by CAA.
Paekakariki Weather Station
Team to look at setting up solar panel etc this weekend.
Climie Airspace
We've been given notification that the airspace is to be modified. CAA are considering changing the area directly over Climie ridge from 7500' to 5500'. Kaitoke Gliding club now aware of this also. Guy Harding to follow up, and look at putting in a submission.
Climie Landing
Kris has had a discussion with hte owner regarding landing in the paddocks across from the school. The owner, Mr Gillies has informed Kris he would prefer us not to land on the property. However, our contact with the leaseholder indicated that there was no problem with them with us landing there, as long as we used reasonable common sense - i.e. don't land there when the cows are being brought in for milking. This needs further investigation.
Contact details of landowners
Grant to email out latest list for members information. Two to be aware of - Western Lake needs two calls - one to the farm manager, one to the lodge re aerodrome activity. Kourarau is the other one with changed contact details - Grant to contact new leaseholder. See July newsletter for contact details.
Reserve repack
To be set around 2nd weekend in Sept.
Hang Glider WOFs date to be set round 1st weekend in October. Paraglider WOFs to be advised.
Superbank have issued notice that they are pulling out of the market - the club has funds deposited with them.
Proposal - that these funds be transfered to Kiwibank. proposed Kris, sec Colin. unan.
Meeting closed 9.20pm.
Grant Tatham