Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
Newsletter: March 2009 (Note: all external links open in a new window) Home
Next Meeting: Tuesday 7 April 2009, 7:30 pm @ The Valley Club, 10 Daly St, Lower Hutt (MAP).
Paekakariki Weather Station
See minutes for what was discussed at the last meeting - further
reports from Ken onthe Paekakariki weather station
and the options open to the club....
Paekakariki aerial danger
All the club pilots should be aware that the owner of the house below the road has strung an aerial wire from his house out to the north about 50 metres to a pole on the ridge immediately north of the house. The wire is not clearly visible from the air and presents a danger to pilots scratching close in just below the road.
Dalefield launch
A successful working bee to clear vegetation on the Dalefield launch was organised in mid-February. Many thanks to all those who assisted!
Hang Gliding Nationals
A successful HG Nationals was held down in Marlborough from 14 February.
When: 1st & 2nd August commencing 10.00am
Venue: The AGM will be in Wellington. The venue will be the Wellington Aero Club Rooms, Coutts Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington
ASAPClubs should elect their delegate/s and book airline tickets as quickly as possible to obtain cheapest fares, or alternatively advise the Administrator who will book the tickets.
For each Club, the NZHGPA will subsidise one delegate’s travel and accommodation based on the cheapest flights as at 10 July 2009 and up to $30 accommodation subsidy.
All Clubs are encouraged to send at least one delegate.
A list of Clubs and the number of delegates they are entitled to will be maintained and keep up to date on in the Notices/Meetings sections of the NZHGPA web pages.
Where a club sends just one delegate but has more than one vote, the club can direct their delegate how to cast their votes. Alternatively, any number of delegates may attend at their club’s cost up to that clubs entitlement.
Those clubs not sending a delegate are encouraged to nominate an attending member from another Club, to be their proxy (the proxy should be given voting instructions). Alternatively, the Club can choose to send in their votes on proxy voting forms, which are available from the NZHGPA Administrator.
June 19Deadline for submitting Nominations to the NZHGPA Executive committee.
A President, Vice President and four Executive Councillors will be elected at the AGM.
If you have accepted nomination, we strongly advise you to begin your FPP24 approval process as soon as you possibly can. Nominees are reminded that they will not be confirmed to their position until CAA approval for senior service has been communicated. The FPP24 process can take three months or longer to complete.
Deadline for submitting AGM remits and items of business for the Special Exec. meeting to the NZHGPA Administrator.
Prior to this date Clubs should have had a meeting to discuss any matters they wish included in the meeting agendas as AGM remits or items of business for the Special Exec. meeting.
Remember, the AGM deals with Exec. elections, fee setting, and constitutional issues (REMITS).
Matters pertaining to operations & procedures (OPM) or governing policies are business for Executive Meetings (business ITEMS for the Special Exec. meeting).
July 1Agenda and Draft Financial Accounts will be received by clubs.
Note the finalised, audited Financial Accounts will be available at the AGM.
July 10Deadline for Clubs to submit proxy voting forms or advise the NZHGPA administrator who their proxy is to be. By this date Clubs should have had meetings to discuss the agenda items and have voted on all Remits and Executive Nominations.
Aug 1Annual General Meeting
Aug 2Extraordinary Executive Meeting – participating club delegates have voting rights (one per delegate attending) and are encouraged to attend!
Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)