Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club  
Newsletter: July 2012 (Note: all external links open in a new window) Home
Next Meeting: Tuesday 24 July 2012, 7:30 pm - Murphys Law Irish Bar 226 Jackson Street, Petone.  

Minutes:  4 April 2012 
Baring Head
Greater Wellington Regional Council has accepted our request for
limited vehicle access to Baring Head.  Discussions are currently
occurring with the Park Ranger as to conditions on the permit that
will be required.  Apparently 20 submission were received by GW on this
issue - fantastic team work all around!
The Airport Tower has yet to finalise the MOU - but it is still looking promising!  In the meantime please don't call the Tower to access the airport zone other than for Macalistair Park!!  Info about airspace...

We now have access to Kinnoull Station!  Contact with the "key custodian" is to be only through these people:
Ian Miller <pillar AT paradise.net.nz> 02 21 76 82 05
Grant Firth <firth AT xtra.co.nz> 02 14 22 698
Chris Connolly <chris AT thelitefantastic.com> 02 26 76 55 99
Kris Ericksen <skf AT paradise.net.nz> 02 11 16 45 58
A couple of weekends ago Ian Miller and James Oakley had an excellent flight from Kinnoull Hill!  Photos
The NZHGPA AGM will be in Queenstown on 22 and 23 September, and any nominations or remits need to be with the Administrator by 1 August (which is why our meeting has been brought forward!)
Given that we have not received a report from Rob Darby (NZHGPA Exec member tasked with producing a report on the Association's web redevelopment options) I propose that the WHGPC puts forward a remit/motion that any discussion on the future of Airborn, the NZHGPA web site, the financial surplus and membership fees be deferred to a SGM when the relevant information is available to clubs so that an informed decision can be made.  In addition a second remit would need to be put forward authorising the continued production of Airborn until six months after any SGM (so as to provide for an ordered transition [if this is what is required as a result of any decisions as to what is happening with communication mechanisms to members]).  However, I believe that some wider thought needs to be had on teh whats and whys of a communication strategy.  I've written a "thought piece" on possible scenarios for a NZHGPA communication strategy.  I've loaded it onto Google Documents. Anyone can edit the document.  Please put your name and initials on first edit and initials on subsequent edits.
We also need to nominate a delegate to go to the AGM.  I'm off to the Canadian PG Nats on 31 July, and will still be in Nth America when the AGM is on....  We have two votes at the AGM, so a second delegate can go, but they (or our club) would have to cover the cost of airfares/accommodation!  The airfare for our delegate needs to be booked before 30 July in order to get full reimbursement!
Information on current NZHGPA finances.

The club's Facebook page is getting lots of use.  It is a "closed group" - so only people who have been allowed into the group can see the content.  A discussion we need to have on the 24th is who should be allowed into this group.  WHGPC members only, NZHGPA members, visiting pilots, anyone?
Kris Ericksen
Email Kris at skf@paradise.net.nz with any news you may have!
Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)