Wellington Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
Next Meeting: Tuesday 2 February 2010, 7:30 pm - venue to be advised!!
Minutes: October 2009 (to come....)
I intend to have a couple of videos about reserve repack procedures.
One, by Angelino Crapanzano (maker of the Metamorphosi chute) goes
into some detail about what not to do, and the consequences. More info. Another is narrated in German ( I think, not being a big German speaker),
so it's abit like reading a comic - the picture tells the story.
The club as a whole hasnt had a repack session this year, though many have done their own, some with the help/guidance of others. If yours isn't done, I suggest you come to the meeting, learn what you can, and if you'd like help still, ask.
Grant Tatham
Battle Hill Regional Park
Laurie and Kris have been having discussions with the Ranger at Battle Hill Regional Park about getting access to Hill 464 for flying. It is likely that we'll get access up Bulls Run Road and Cooks Road (Google Map)! We could organise access through Battle Hill - but that presents a few more management difficulties for the Ranger - and is only dry weather, whereas Bulls Run is all weather. (And this will also avoid problems with Transmission Gully when (if!) it is constructed!)
Macalister Park and Mt Victoria
Airways NZ has written to the club seeking clarification as to whether we are still using the Macalister Park and Mt Victoria flying areas. For information about Mt Victoria see the July 2005 newsletter. Kris proposes to write back to Airways saying that we do not need the Mt Victoria air space (due to problems with Wellington CC requiring 10 days notice of use of the site!), but that the club still wants to be able to use Macalister Park for training. PLEASE make sure to phone up the Tower if you plan to use Macalister Park for training! The number is: 04-387 1980.
Hang Gliding Nationals
The HG Nationals are on at present - we await news!
Barry, Laurie and Kris are heading to Manilla in early February for some flying! Escaping what is supposed to be summer in Wellington! Maybe the club should be renamed the: Wellington Hang Glider and Paraglider Pilots who fly somewhere else Club"!!
Once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned forever skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)